Gordon B. Hinckley 1910 - 2008

I was watching a show here at the house last night when a breaking news bulletin came on alerting everyone of the passing of President, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator Gordon B. Hinckley. In my life at least, he is the President that I was familiar with. It is a bitter sweet time for all members of the church. On one side we are sad to see him go. On the other side we have a knowledge and understanding that he is in a much better place and is reunited with his beloved wife who he missed so much. He served until the last few days of his earthly existence, the way I'm sure he would have wanted. He will be remembered for the many Temples he set forth on this Earth and for the path he made for less fortunate people to be able to obtain as much education as possible, but most of all he will be remembered for his witt, charm, and true love for all.

A while back, Elder Boyd K. Packer said this pertaining to the President and the church,"You were generals in the War in Heaven and one day when you are in the spirit world, you will be enthralled by those you are associated with. You will ask someone in which time period they lived and you might hear, "I was with Moses when he parted the Red Sea," or "I helped build the pyramids," or "I fought with Captain Moroni." And as you are standing there in amazement, someone will turn to you and ask you which of the prophets' time did you live in? And when you say "Gordon B. Hinckley" a hush will fall over every hall and corridor in Heaven, and all in attendance will bow at your presence. You were held back six thousand years because you were the most talented, most obedient, most courageous, and most righteous."

Let us all continue to strive for the best so that we can stand proud when we are recognized as the people of the church during the time of The Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley!! Enjoy your well deserved rest Hinckley!!!


Elizabeth said...


Anonymous said...

I love you too GRANDSON, and very proud of the young man you have become.
MawMaw: Gormus

Scott said...

Well said Trey. I was talking to my Mom about what a joyful reunion Pres. Hinckley was having. In fact, I couldn't seem to get out of my mind how excited Marjorie Pay would have been. I see her all giddy and jumping up and down about how excited she is to see the man she has loved for so many years. Thanks again for your contribution.